Sunday, April 20, 2008


Our appointment with the neurologist went well. Ezra's head has grown another 1.5 cm!! That is normal growth. Thank you for your prayers. Ezra has also had his first trip to Target. It was a bit overwhelming for him, but we are beginning to get him out of the house. Keep praying for us and our son. I am including some of our newest pictures of Ezra. Enjoy!!

Ezra reading Harry Potter

Ready to go!

My two tired boys

Monday, April 14, 2008

Our Boy

Ezra has been doing well. He continues to grow and get stronger. His seizures have been getting better. We are continuing to pray for the seizures to go away completely. We are going to the neurologist on Thursday for a check-up. Please pray for us at this visit.

Micah and I have been learning so much about prayer and faith. We are currently reading Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala. This book is such an encouragement to us. We have seen God work so much through this whole time with Ezra. Our son has brought us so much joy in the past five months. I can't believe how easy it is to love someone.

Videos of Ezra

This is Ezra getting a bath this past weekend. He wasn't happy about being in the tub!!

This is Ezra's first bath at home. Look how tiny he was!!

This video is Ezra's first day in the NICU, 11/24/07. He is our miracle baby!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Hey Everyone,
We decided to start a blog instead of the carepage. Now you can just type this address and get the latest info from us. Thank you all for your support. Updates to come...