Sunday, August 24, 2008

Day of Prayer and Fasting for Ezra

Micah and I have decided to have a couple days of prayer and fasting for Ezra on August 31st and September 1st. We are concentrating on Ezra’s swallowing and facial control. Ezra has not been able to have any facial movement or swallow since his brain injury. As a result he cannot protect his airway (getting rid of secretions, coughing, keeping lungs clear) and cannot eat normally. Since Ezra can’t swallow, his life is always at risk. Even the smallest cold or flu could turn very dangerous as Micah and I witnessed while in Philly. There are no interventions for swallowing for a child as young as Ezra. We know that is will take a supernatural event to get Ezra to swallow. This is the reason for the focused prayer.

Ezra doesn’t have facial movement either. This means he can’t blink, smile, or take a bottle. Micah and I have waited since the day Ezra was born to see him smile. I also want to hold Ezra and feed him with a bottle at the same time. This is another prayer request for us.

Our hearts were broken on November 24th, 2007 when we realized our baby boy was hurt. We were told he would never be OK. He would never lead a “normal” life. They told us to just let him go. Micah and I did not listen. We had waited through one miscarriage and nine months of a great pregnancy to have Ezra. We were not giving up. Prayer has been a daily staple in our home since then. It is only through the power of Jesus that Ezra can be healed from his brain injury.

We are asking for all our friends and family to pray and fast (if medically able) with us on the August 31st and/or September 1st. Please pray for his swallowing and facial control. We know that Labor Day is on the 1st, so we have added the 31st as well. Let us not be afraid to ask for the big things and watch God work!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008


I have included some pictures of Ezra lifting his head. He can lift his head higher, but I didn't take the picture until after he was getting tired. Ezra is doing so well!!

We are asking for concentrated prayer for Ezra's swallowing reflex. He needs to be able to control his secretions so we don't have to suction him out and he can be safe from aspiration pneumonia. We also want Ezra to be able to eat orally and get rid of the G-tube. This would be a great burden off our shoulders. Please pray for these things to take place. Your prayers have been working so far!!